Friday, June 20, 2014

Return to Ruggedness: Session XVI the Final Session

SESSION XVI – 60114 – 61814 (Extended Final Session)

60114 [Sunday #348] – 184.5 – The sickness is taking its toll. I know when weight drops it’s real. Mostly hydration, but appetite too. This may be the start of a new session  #26 perhaps? The last one for sure. Today + 17 more and I start The Long Road Back. might as well start assessing this year. On paper it might look like I dropped ten lbs, but I’m starting June with some kind of Bug, so it’s not authentic.

The Bug is subsiding. I may get to do some home work after the gig.

What were my goals?  Return to ruggedness – I’m not sure the theme was accomplished. I’ve actually felt weak most of this last 300-something days. A more humble approach this time.

I do want the three way combo of aerobics-calisthenics-body weight work & weight lifting. I still want it all, including that stunning physique.

Maybe my biggest goal was losing weight, but NO, I laid them out twice… somewhere. Perhaps by the end of this year, I will have found them and posted. Many of this year’s goal will carry over to next year, as most of my goals are perpetual.

60214 [Monday #349] – Wake 186 – The battle continues. Adding weight is a good sign when battling a bug. Woke & did some movement stuff for about 20 minutes. The energy is sub-par. I was sleep before it got dark, certainly before 21:00, up at 4:00, 7 hours sleep, it was a decent nod too. What will today bring? Maybe some gig work. Temple tomorrow … no YMCA classes today. It’s still a long road back.

Gig: 20 rev pushups, fairly easy +20 more.
Bug battle – gargle warm sea-salt water, ACV shot, throat not as sore, but coughing still… cough drink water… this is the pattern that’s emerging.

*NOTE – The trail mix doesn’t have the same je ne sais quoi as before vacation. Has my taste changed that much or is the nut store selling “different” stuff, meaning not as good?

Still coughing and drinking. Y today or outside? Leaning towards outside… might be the only good day this week.

Park work: warm ups, but did mostly lateral skips around the bases, 5 laps each direction, 9left lead, right lead) wore my ass out. Interested in the hip’s feelings as far as hip impact and muscle response. Guess I’ll find out tomorrow. Pre-ouch!! Trying to be rugged!!

60314 [Tuesday #350] – wake 186.

Bizarro dreams about Zurich. Anyway seems like we made headway against the bug. Oh, woke tired and took an extra 30 mins. The sweats came w AM tea – good sign. Gargle w/ warm salt water, shot of ACV, big breakfast, sore throat subsiding, runny nose… (Post nasal drip). Super sensitive to cleaning solution (at work). Other than head, nasal & throat challenges the body feels strong, energetic and well rested.

I thought/hoped this would be a 24 hour thing. To a degree it was, but there’s the aftermath (like after an earthquake.)

TGX was the bomb!! Symptoms cleared up for this and aqua box.. and they returned after. Sneezing & runny nose, but the body-aches and coughing are gone.

To track the course – good workout day Thursday, body-aches (legs tight) & tickle in throat and sluggish and tired feeling, Friday. Coughing and sore throat Saturday. More of the same Sunday & Monday. Tuesday PND & sneezing (Not exact about Sunday.) Coughed after remembering coughing symptoms.

60414 [Wednesday #351] – wake 184.5 – I think this is more legit. Bug symptoms subsided, took an extra 30 mins snooze. No exercise this AM. About 7 solid hours of sleep. Breathing well, swallowing well. Nose is back to normal so far. I can feel the… (damn, interruption!)

Reverse pushups.. back to this @ the gig… 11
I think, Temple legs today… make it happen. Might as well & I can work upper body at the Y on Friday.

Did one set of rev pushups but made it to Temple Legs. Needed some extra warm up sets on the leg press but did 3 solid static sets @ 1000+ and the usual stuff. I’m ready to get back into squats – so mark that down for Friday.

Bug symptoms returned after lunch. Don’t know what that’s about.

Press -  calf raises – shin flex – static squat up – static press an hour.

60514 [Thursday #352] – wake 184.5 legit! Eyes opened at 3:21 no alarm and an hour later, it was raining so back to sleep. Good bkft (T-burg) then to the Y for old school chest work.

Bench neg blasts, slow descent then strong push 5 sets.
100 lbs – 12x
110 lbs – 8x
120 lbs – 8 x progressed to 140 lbs which puts me close to my stated max (150) but I felt strong and the shoulder held up magnificently.

Incline press neg-blast – started w/ 10’s and went to 25’s (5 sets of 8)…
Bent row 25s (4 sets of 12 – 10)
Seated db shoulder press – by this time I was tired. The strength may be returning and I need endurance to return as well.
Let me keep this up through the fall. I want my chest back!!

Something changes while I was in Zurich. I can’t put my finger on it, but the results seem to be breaking through the weight (loss) plateau I’ve been on, and a different kind of attraction… maybe I’m friendlier, maybe… and maybe I see people differently.

60614 [Friday #353] – wake 184.5 woke 4AM – got up a bit later, ran one mile – walked 1 – kind of lame but oh well. Bean & veggies bkft – cut grass, eat again bkft II then YMCA – legs & back – various errands.

Squats start 140 – 190 super deep and slow.
Single arm rows (DBs) 3 x 8 about 65 lbs.
Front squats, very light
Bent flies 35s
Preacher curls ez bar 25s were tough
Triceps press & reverse grip pull downs
Leg X max 210 x 10 (Give Mike props for this.)

60714 [Saturday #354] – wake 186.5 – The falafel wrap just sat in my stomach. Had what seemed like an endless beer (Me’shell concert world café last night) . dropped 2 this AM & 1 sun salutation.  Home run today 2 early and 2 at work. Body’s recovering from wt training – feels sore, feels good.
Steak dinner at Mike’s… recover ensues… ate too much, but let’s see if this turns into weight or how much.

60814 [Sunday #355] – wake 188 – steaks and beers @ Mike’s. I my have eaten myself into a hangover… dehydration type. So, short amount of sleep. Small bkft (almonds, blueberries, honey) no tea. Want to lift at the Y after work. Cycle pump tomorrow. Let’s beat the headache!

I’m up almost 5 [4.5 lbs] from eating and drinking. I think I got my set point down to about 187 – we shall see where the weight settles by Wednesday. Also the weather is warmer and that can work in my favor.

Weekend eats are already beginning to metabolize – had salmon salad for lunch/brunch – psyching myself for chest work at the Y. I think I can start with the classic 140 lbs (bar +2, 45 lb plates) just remember the tempo, down slow and up strong. I need to internalize that pattern.

Maybe chest, triceps, upper back? shoulders? I should have enough time. Will hold off on flies, etc for a few weeks – on, more biceps too. I want my arms back!!

This day is in the books. Didn’t start out as strong as I thought I could. Had to drop from 140 to 120 first bench press set, but made it back to 140. Remember leave the ego!
Incline bench 5 sets (same with BP)
Flat flies, incline db press (40s)
Biceps super set: Alt dumbbell curls & EZ bar standing curls. (15 each)
55 lb db pull overs
Triceps cable extensions
Relax, stretch & done… 60 minutes.

60914 [Monday #356] – 185 35/48; weekend metabolized earlier than expected. Early exercise working on burpess again. Two rounds of 5, proper burpees too. A few other wake up exercises. That funny feeling you get when you wake up Monday morning then find out later, it’s raining.

20 “normal” pushups on the bars.

Deadlift, standard 225 – 275 – 315 solid single lifts. Felt in the left hip area. Got some Romanians, multiple reps, military press (5’s) bent barbell rows 25+5’s

61014 [Tuesday #357] – wake 185: woke up today with the alarm and hit the snooze. Got 7 hours but felt tired and sleepy, I think it’s the weather. TGX this afternoon.

We were sweltering in the session today. Small eats at home.

61114 [Wednesday #358] – wake 185 28/51: Not much doin @ work. A few rev pushups. Headed to they Y, upper body, chest 7 back, bis 7 tris.

YMCA Chest/legs/bis

Flat bench; 1: 120x10 – 2:130 x 6 – 3:140 x 6 (2 sets)- 5: 150 x 3 (2 sets)
The point is I reached my max quicker than I thought. My mind shift now is think reps & tempo and not weight. I must be able to do at least 10 slow descent & quick up reps at 150, then add.

Incline 100 lbs 3-4 sets. Inverted leg press & calf press 6 plates. Did not feel strong, left inner hip.. (inside).
Preacher curls 70 lbs ez bar seemed to get stronger in later sets. Must curl 2-3x a week.
Military press-squats use the bar but don’t squat as far. Left hip ish is preventing as well as shoulder recovery. Work my way down before putting weight on the bar. Not yet strong enough core.
Reverse grip barbell (bar only) curls.

61214 [Thursday #359] –  wake 187 – kind of shocked, but I’ll pretend it’s muscle wt. chores today, considered a run, but will save myself for the YMCA.

YGX – was intermittently strong – need to work on endurance, but I realize it’s not my workout.

61314 [Friday #360] –  wake 187 26/52 – got numbers, usually means a drop is coming. If so I don’t expect more than 2.5 lbs.

Measuring Day
Torso in cms
June 13, 2014
April 29, 2014
June 15, 2013
96 cm
99 cm
100 cm
91 cm
93 cm
91 cm
95 cm
97 cm
94 cm
97 cm
98 cm
97 cm

Basically I’m returning to where I was last year. Also I’m 3.5 lbs lighter than last year (190.5) which suggests more muscle, less fat… or at least less fat.

June 13, 2014
March 15, 2014
120 cm
120 cm
103 cm
104 cm
104 cm
105 cm

Chest is 1 cm smaller, but is 1 cm thicker… not significant, especially over 6 months. I’m pleased with all these numbers and the direction the weight, the look, the fit of clothes and the comments/observations. (Two people at the Y mentioned more muscular upper body.) I want more endurance, strength and more and quicker healing and regeneration of injured parts.

Now – temple legs!!

Leg press drop sets this kicked ass. I have no idea how much weight or how many reps. I just know ya need 2-3 ppl to pull this off, literally and it killed. (about 700 – 300 lbs) 3 sets.  1000 lb static holds, 3 sets. Seated Calf raises, shin flex 9max 75 lbs) smith floor press & hold. Close grip press, 135 lbs, 5 reps.

Good workout day!!

61414 [Saturday #361] – wake 188!! Was it the turkey burgers yesterday? Or is this a weight gain trend? Measuring day was satisfying. Weight could be muscle b/c pants are still loose and body looks tight. Special YGX sub session today 9AM!! Let’s see how that goes. Haven’t been running in a while since the lame one-miler, but that was right after the bug.
Easy class lots of de-conditioned members so I did more coaching and encouraging (and lecturing) than demo, this is the way it’s supposed to be anyway. I still need more endurance. I need an endurance – spec forces day. Looks like Wednesdays.

Post YGX
Bench press can start at 140 x 8 … went to 150 & dropped reps dramatically. More focus.
Incline 90 lbs was weak, left shoulder played up.
70 lb preacher curls were no problem 10 reps – went to 80 lbs.. ouch11 it may be a while to 85 lbs.
Maybe the deep squats should be part of spec forces Wednesday. I think I can go from 10 to 1 but I must go deep and slow. Same for pushups. Speed is NOT the goal.
Muscle gain – upper body was noted, second time this happened at the Y. significant feedback.

61514 [Sunday #362] – wake 190 E!!! food ate drink at Rich’s, Matt’s graduation party however I lifted yesterday too. I figure 2.5 of the 5 lbs I gained in the last few days are from food and beverage.

3o minutes of movement/aerobic training at wake up.

Work was chill, after work was dead. Got much sleep. Very low energy and no exercise. Just following the body. Got to recover from last week. Going to return to juice snacks, no protein mix, but maybe. I’m at no shortage of protein. Maybe here and there but the last weight gain experience taught me a lesson. If I ever need to gain I’ll know what to do.

61614 [Monday #363] – WAKE 188 35/48: headed back down after recovery evening. Next year I must note recovery days to see if I can detect a pattern. Most likely recovery days come after a lot of activity… traveling, eating & drinking and socializing.

The last several hours … like 24 have been low energy. I surmise my body is metabolizing the consumption of the past week. Can I get back to 185 – get my shirt – and get down to 180-ish by year’s end AND keep getting stronger and gaining muscle?

Body’s  in purge mode. A triple so far. Kind of tight in the solar plexus getting up the steps. Did 2 sets of reverse pushups, about 10 each. Don’t know if I’m getting a caffeine headache or an ‘I’m-thinking-myself-into-a-caffeine-headache’ headache.

Romanian dead lifts & dips 140 lbs 10 – 5 [after I start my run this noob decides to get on the dip apparatus, so I had to wait. It annoyed me, but made me stronger.]
Then 3 sets of 5 @ 210 lbs.
40 lb flat fly/press 3 x 15!!
Seated shrugs 40s 3 x 16.
EZ bar preacher curls 80 lbs 3 x 5 – (but cheatin’) this is the weight I need to overcome to get results. I almost feel I can do this daily, but every other day… leave the ego!!
Spin was great… I’m toast.
Home run today. Expecting a lb or 2 drop. Won’t be mad if I don’t get it… but I should get back to 185, then push down more. Meatless day (I think.) yeah, I can’t remember having meat today.

Post exercise fruit smoothie – no additives. I suppose I wasn’t sleepy, it took a while and I didn’t realize I was sleep for some time.

I look pale in my video clips, but the back looks ripped!!

61714 [Tuesday #364] – wake 188 32/49 – I expected a drop, but I’m not mad. It might take a while for the metabolism to kick in or the weight to realize it has to go! Lamb & eggs frittata for bkft. No AM exercise, I’ll get mine @ TGX this afternoon.
Got to work hungry. Glad I pack snacks.

I have to come up with 7 ways to evaluate my day.

1. General Feeling
2. Energy Level – like to I pass out on the floor after an exercise session? Do I not get out of the house certain days?
3. Elimination – is the body in purge mode? Am I sick? Food poisoning, over eating, etc?
4. Nutrition – meat day, non-meat, did I eat junk, out drinking etc.
5. Sleep quality – good, deep, restless, bizarre dreams…
6. Mental –
7. Health – am I injured, fighting off a bug, feeling off for some reason…

Oh yes – started today with tea after going two mornings without an AM cup. This makes a difference… or does it?
What will today bring? Tomorrow ends this Episode… the long road back starts Thursday… day 1.

TGX was moderately strong for me – participation is light, but heavy on the coaching. Not sure whether my coaching is due to experience/maturity or just being tired and sore from the weight training.

Left knee – twinge
Left inner hip – sore
Right ankle – feel it sometimes
Breath 80-85%

61814 [Wednesday #365] – Last Day end of an okay year. HAPPY NEW Year Tomorrow
Wake 188 25/53

Special Forces 120 lbs squats, 10 – 1; 1 – 10 squats & pushups 17 minutes. No shoulder issues, deep squats.. this was the warm up.
Bent bb rows 4 sets 120 lbs.
Bent flies 25s & 30s 4 sets.
Front shoulder raises 20s
Standing military press 12.5 each side
EZ preacher curls 80 for 2 sets to failure then drop to 70. 80 is getting easier, but I am still cheating it up a bit.
Leg curls 150 4 sets
Triceps push down – 60 & block (on Lat machine)
Leg cable work 360 degrees.

Concluding this year with Warrior Wednesday … hopefully a start of a tradition, unless I pick up a Wednesday class. Feeling good about today. What is sore isn’t very sore. 

End of session 26, End of Year 3... Let's keep going!!

The Long Road Back (<-- click here for the next blog)

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