Wednesday, September 25, 2013

R2R: Session VII 90813 – 92113


I spent most of this session hurt and sore and damaged but tried not to get depressed over it. Of course as with most dilemmas my creativity kicked in and I decided on a few  new strategies and a new plan.

90813 [Sunday #82]  188.5 27 51  - pretty day so far. Rt side still sore. Oh yeah, shoulder still needs healing also but lower neck to trapz are blazin!! Right now.

The body seems to be sore all over. Moving slow, ugh! Taking this time to determine to come back. Conceiving the 100,000 recovery. 10,000 pushups, dips, miles/ squats (air), pull ups, hanging leg raises and more exercises – maybe kicks or jacks or mountain climbers or something, not crunches tho.

90913 [Monday #83] am – gig sore! That’s the theme of the day. Got much sleep yesterday and got the bar up for hanging leg lifts. I should run when I wake up – maybe start the 100,000 today right… I can go slowly. I won’t count the leg lifts this morning.

My body feels very weak despite the protein and veggies in the diet. More carbs maybe? Looks like I can do 45 degree push ups, 3 sets of about 12 – leg raises 2 reps maybe 5 sets.
Wake 189 20 55: I’m at a low today, my body is sore all over – torso, left shoulder, rt serratus anterior – rt upper trapz – easing lower rt back oblique and inside left thigh. Can’t even touch my toes. Plus I smell pretty bad, but a bath will take care of that. I should take a picture b/c I look pretty good despite this.

Iced the front – heated the back and soaking is coming up. Been doing rehab moves since I woke up and keeping busy… probably won’t run or hit the grass… but who knows. It’s still early.

I accept this as a slump, I know I’ve been here before and usually after, I bounce back strong. Body weight workout coming with no neglect to usually neglected muscles, like serratus anterior.

91013 [Tuesday #84] – wake 189 19.5 55.5

Good GX session after waking, moderately sore. Aqua was strong also, getting the body moving relieves the pain.

91113 [Wednesday #85] AM – gig a lot of self massage on neck and trapz, stretching.

Wake 189  19.5   55.5: Usual stuff iced lower back – soreness in the middle of chest when I turn. This pain is affecting sleep, (or maybe I don’t need as much). Second round wt check. Same BF is -1.5% H2O +2.5. elimination is not affecting weight. I’m not very rugged so far this year, but it could turn around.

Considering getting away from weight lifting for maybe a year and embracing body weight, balance, high energy cardio, suspension, pull/push, and see what it does to/for the body & soul. First step, weights go back in the basement. Interesting changes, maybe dramatic – but we’ll see.

Body hurts, center chest, lower back right side, upper left trap is tight, short ROM in turning head. I feel at or near the bottom. Got to keep healing though. No pain!! How long has it been with the shoulder???

91213 [ Thursday #86] – AM – work. Moving, stretching lower back and upper neck/back pain, so high I nearly too aspirin. It’s not so bad when I’m moving.

Wake 189  20  55.5 new status quo. The irony of maintenance, upper body front and back tight and sore. Realized today that each time I’ve cut my hair I injured a shoulder. Coincidence?

GX pulled the pain out of me, although I wasn’t energetic. Soreness returned right after. The center is right in the chest between the pecks. Iced – heated and stretched when I woke up.

91313 [Friday #87] – the 13th. This year’s been a challenge. Wake 187  24.5  52.5 … got up and iced back, stretched and re-stretched… good news, this doesn’t seem to be chronic, but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better either. Heated the back too and went back to sleep. Rest and rebuild. I actually did about an hour of stretching last night and this morning. I think these injuring will lead me into a new discipline.

NOTE: since I’m not lifting weights, I probably need to cut back on the protein. Might be a good time for the juice fast. I can still put oatmeal and wheat germ in to make breakfast. Fortunately I haven’t gained weight during this challenge. Good thing for GX classes and forced discipline. 
Been flirting on the border of 190s and 180s. Think-
about whether it's wise to drop weight... like 15 -
20 lbs. The body seems resistant. But we shall see.
Live your life and see what happens... but I'm still
going to give it a nudge or two. 

91413 [Saturday #88]  wake 191  21.5  54.5. The waking routine has been stretching, icing and heating. Same today. Wedding and fight party. Felt some significant improvement in low back today. Especially when moving around, neck movement still slightly hindered.

91513 [Sunday #89]  191 E! – first error message in a LONG time. Wine & beer I suspect. Back is less painful, massage day – maybe some relief, answers advice.

Yoga-ish stretches @ wake ahhh forgot to take my vitamins. Juiced and sampled a cup w/ mix. Don’t know if I’ll do a juice fast this week, but I’ve little food in the fridge. Weights go in the basement this week.

Great massage!! Straightened me right out!!!

91613 [Monday #90] – wake 191 21.5  54: 1 hour yoga and stretches, back feels a LOT BETTER!! Shoulder healing, managed some intermittent body work, including toe touches, not ready for burbees yet or HIIT series. I could probably do more if I didn’t get distracted. Lentil omelet for dinner.

91713 [Tuesday #91]  wake #’s???  191very awesome sessions with no pain. So nice!! I guess that’s it.

91813 [Wednesday #92] wake 188.5 36 49 wassup?! – shoulder was slightly painful. Woke and did 30 minutes yoga and stretches for lower back and legs, but mostly back.

Aqua box today and maybe something after.

Measured today. All my numbers are up, except solar plexus. Call it injury gain and laziness again. Maybe the squats series made a difference. Sure it did. Body weight recovery (come back) sessions start Oct. 1.. less than 15 days, but I can still get out and start running again. What’s the hold up?

Rethinking breakfast drinks, cutting protein, imagining juice fast. Aqua was strong – had to eat my guilty pleasure right before class. Sugar probably dropped. Shake was not enough.


Top 98 … last time … 98 – no change
Mid 93 … last time …90 – that a whole inch bigger!!!
Bot 96 … last time … 94 - + 2cm, nearly an inch
Und 97 … last time … 95 - + 2cm – again!

Not too angry about those numbers. They’re all going the wrong way into the fall. Good thing I didn’t wait 60 days. Let’s see if I can reverse this trend (again).

91913 [Thursday #93] – wake 188.5 E! went a bit harder than usual at GX today.

92013 [Friday #94] – wake 188.5  21.5  54 – Fridays have been hard core days but for now… they’re not. Been shadow boxing/kicking etc. many ‘reps’ 250 punches to start, then work down. Need to do more squats and higher kicks. Prepping for October.

92113 [Saturday #95] Last day of summer 188.5 E! – Out last night, shooting pool, eating mussels. Today chores, boxing etc. thinking of legs and cardio this eve… in the rain. 

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