Saturday, November 16, 2013

R2R SESSION XI - 110313 - 111613

Thought this would look good here 90212

It's become more difficult to try and predict how a session is going to unfold. Probably since the shoulder injury (July) I've been spending more time in my house. This is different, but i don't see it as a problem, although I think I should. I can be happily in hermit-mode and continue to do everything on my schedule, plus become more in tuned with my house; mostly in the form of cleaning up and organizing materials, paper and such, in preparation for my departure. 

My guess for this session; 5 classes in four days, more Eat Sweat workouts at home and just maybe I'll restart the running. There's nothing spectacular coming in this session, so no disruptions... non foreseen at least. 

110313 [Sunday #138] - Wake 190.5 E

3 rounds of punching and front kicking. 100 each!  300 punches, 300 kicks.

PM Workout (after a nice nap) 

Drills - 4 rounds

Run in Place
Punches - 4 x 100 = 400
Burpees - 13+10+10+10 = 43
Mt. Climbers 4 x 30 = 120
Jump Lunges 4 x 30 = 120 (these are on the count list) 
Kicks - 4 x 30 = 120
Power Squats - 4 x 20 = 80 - Very tough! But a flow comes even after the previous exercises.

Strength stuff - double ankle wts and gloves & wrist weights.
Knee lifts (both) 30+40+30+40 = 140
Barbends 30d+15u+20d+12u = 77 total d=downward bend u=upward bend. (15u more random. These are tough so I foresee many random sets. I get a good feeling in the trapz when I do upwards.) 
Sit Ups - 2 x 20 = 40

Other sets - various leg work, lateral raises (35, want to be able to do 100 of these in a single set), leg curls, reverse crunches, cool down, about 58 mins, didn't count calories. No room for the watch anymore. 

110413 [Monday #139] Wake 190.5 E cold day 100 punches at wake up. Sun’s out, looks pretty but.. Actually got out today. YMCA – rode the bike for a while. 

Single leg extensions 105 lbs. 3 x 10/ Leg Curls 10 @ 105 lbs: 2x10 @165 lbs. High crescent kicks over the bench 16+10=26 each leg.

400 punches, different styles (4 sets of 100 total). Light stretches and out. Maybe more at La casa. No one showed up for spin class.

110513 [Tuesday #140] wake 190.5 E -  ate breakfast, breezed through TGX & aqua. Did some punching, kicking, twisting @ home. Chillin’ out, legs, butt, upper thighs on fire… well, dull soreness.

110613 [Wednesday #141] Wake 189 – back to work tonight. Solid breakfast. Aqua today. Meet with TB (salmon wrap at Draught horse).

700 punches gloves & wts: jabs, cross, upper cuts, high shoulders, pounding, MMA and ??
Aqua went well, went fast.

110713 [Thursday #142] AM – Gig, barbends & grip at work. Wake 191 E: psyllium husk before bed. Slept extra, thanks… headache. When will I learn? Get up when eyes open. I have to practice this. 

YMCA TODAY, Fighting the headache. Drank bkft. Need to make a solid and liquid bkft schedule. (Probably won’t follow it.)

YGX was brutal! Just me and Larry to start, so I showed him what I did at home and invited him to stick around. We did the Eat Sweat workout. 990 calories 55 minutes. 4 rounds, these #s count.

*Run in Place 60, 90 then 2 @ 120 second rounds
*Box - 4 x 100 punches = 400
*Burpees – 10+11+10+10= 41
*Mt Climbers – 4x50 = 200
*Jump Lunges (sort of) – 4x50= 200
*Front kicks – 4x50 = 200
*Power squats – 4x20= 80+5= 85 (1 set we did 25)

Almost forgot, 2 sets of 10 each leg of leg extensions 120 lbs. This is a good wt for now.

110813 [Friday #143] – AM – Gig: Chilled and recovered – headache lasted the whole tour. Ended up taking aspirin.

Wake 191 37.5/49 at least no error message. Solid bkft. 100 punches. Out looking for equipment. Maybe some training later. No headache. Decent sleep. 

Barbends (16u+10u=26 under handed) and punches. Even if I don’t count hundreds of punches I’ll make 10,000, maybe even 50,000. I may have to hang a bag and start hitting it.

110913 [Saturday #144] – AM – Gig
Chin ups 3 x 5 = 15, pretty tough but the shoulder is gaining strength.
Barbends (heavy bar) downward bends: 10+10+12+10= 42 [should probably work on this nightly.]
Wake 191 E

3 rounds of punches 400 punches each = 1200
Round I – cross, upper cuts, pounding, MMA (gloves)

Round II – cross, upper cuts, pounding, high shoulders, (gloves + wts)

Round III – hooks, front center punch, upper cuts, MMA (gloves + wts)

100 up punches.

200 deep down punches (feel these deep in the lats/obliques. I like them)

Elbow strikes: Back 100 total, sides 100 total.

Kicks: (totals)
Front kicks – 100
45 degree – 100
In-out crescent 2 x 50 (work towards 100 straight)
Back kicks – 100
Out-in crescents – 2 x 50
10 slow pushups flat on the floor.
Barbends upward 20+12+12 = 44 (getting stronger)
Over head – 7 + 12 = 19 *works the shoulder.

Downward on one leg 2 sets of 25 [each leg]
Outward 10 bends…

This may be complicated for guests to read and it might also tough for be for my future self as well. Maybe I’ll add pix, you know, for the future.

111013 [Sunday #145] – Wake 189.5: After a great ritual. Duck last night [connection??] P’husk before bed. Massage today. Very little food – wasn’t very hungry. Advice from Keanne, lessen ROM during pull ups.

111113 [Monday #146] – AM – Gig

Cheater pulls 20+10 (feet on box)+10 = 40 (these don’t count)
Heavy barbends 12d+15d+8u+10u= 45

Wake 198.5: waking routine [ squats, boxing, barbends (up) deep lunge squats, band work] going for pre-spin work at the Y. zero before leaving the house.

Spin class went the whole class … wears me out still, but we shall see. Pre-spin work Shin flex hi (95lbs) low (65-ish) reps, single leg extensions 120 lbs 3 x 6-8.
11-12-13 eval pic. The effects take away (or maybe add
to the picture. I'm not sure. Either way I think progress
is happening. I'm still too heavy. Strategies revealed
next session.

111213 [Tuesday #147] – Wake 189.5  32/49 woke early [5am], but didn’t do much, left heel hurts when stretching, so I iced it. Could be plantar faciitis. Went back to sleep and had good dreams. I’ll be strong for TGX. Vet meal at Applebee’s w/ TB, great company.

Breezed through TGX – then Aqua. Shoulder’s aching again, from sleeping on it probably. Train at home – work low gait and shoulder therapy [this didn’t happen]. 111213 pic abs-eval

111313 [Wednesday #148] – wake 188 e; cold day, good sleep, space heater on.

Threw some punches then put the vest on [20 lbs and bulky] doesn’t feel as heavy as it once did. [maybe I need a 40 pounder.]

50 squats and 50 more  100 squats
400 punches w/ vest
5 burpees w/ vest – felt like I could’ve done more. Maybe later.
110 front kicks – the practice is having a good effect. Did barbends late last night, getting stronger. Going to have to find a way to make them more challenging.

111413 [Thursday #149] AM – Gig. Took psyl’husk before work – but doesn’t seem to be working. Brand name doesn’t work as well as store brand. G.I. isn’t flowing smoothly, maybe too much solid food (more than in recent months). Weight is stable, energy is high. Walking faster and climbing stairs is easier.

Heavy barbends tonight 12d+15d+6u+8u= 41 *rt medial elbow joint pain, the usual when I work it. Same with heavy curls.

Wake 190 E100 punches, 110 kicks. YGX was tough, no shake – maybe they make a difference. Tried a dip, not ready. Shin flex & leg extensions (singles) 120 lbs. Protein shake and a nod afterwards. After noting my energy surge, it dropped. Still tired. Tea to the rescue then food. Maybe a turkey burger? Yes.

111513 [Friday #150] – AM – Gig: barbends 26 upwards/ 38 downwards [3 sets each]

Wake 190 33/48 – I think I took some ACV before bed. Very tired, slept late, then finally got up and did drills.

3 rounds – 1st naked, 2nd & 3rd with gloves.

Run in place – guess about two minutes
Punches 3 x 100
Burpees  15*+12+10 = 37 *personal best so far.
Mt. Climb 3 x 30 = 90  but weak, I usually do 50 each, but upper body and breath.
Jumping Lunges  3 x 50 = 150 not deep, just burning fuel.
Front kicks – 3 x 60 (total) 180 [90 each leg]
Power Squats – 25+25+30= 80  (should just go for 100)
Trunk twists 3 x 100 total (both sides)

Leg work: Two rounds 1st 1xwts 2nd 2xwts
Knee ups – 50 tot – 60 tot
Butt kick – 50    - 60 tot.
Butt raise – 20 ea. 25 ea (bench support)
Side laterals – 20ea  - 20 ea
Front raises – 25 ea. – 20 ea.
And that was that, maybe a few barbends after.

My belly is too fat. Despite that I can see and feel the abs emerging and more detail overall on my torso than ever (I think), there’s too much flab on me. Psyllium husk hasn’t performed as it has in the past, which probably means not much sludge in my system. I think more sleep and day work will help and probably cutting the protein out of my shakes for a while. I may not need it since I’m not doing heavy work.

And… get back to running. I keep making excuses. Get back to the y more regularly and into the park. Do it!! I’m getting lazy.

111613 [Saturday #151] – Hello, last day of the session… last day of this block of sessions… well it’s really only three sessions, so it’s more like a triangle. 4 would work. About one month each. Why didn’t I think of that before?? Hmmm, some reason, I think I wanted about 45 days per. I can change it next year. Just some administrative rambling.

Spending time updating, may bend some bars today. I think the shoulder issue has crossed the half way point. Not sure but ROM is better and pain is subsiding. Haven’t been doing much with it except shadow boxing and lifting light [12 lbs max] weights during group exercise classes. On with the day. I should post signs to tell me what to do. GO RUN! DON’T be LAZY!! No excuses!!! Get back to it!!!


Wake 190 E – Scorpio party w/ Po et al (Fram), no exercise just wine & rum… dealing with it. Fun sometimes. Hydrate… to the gig. Goodbye for now. Open new page…

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