Monday, December 9, 2013

Return to Ruggedness session XII – 111713 – 113013

Got to take time to celebrate with the Fram

Starting this session recovering from a birthday party. Drinking was involved. I don’t drink much so when I do it acts quickly, but I had things to do so I had to be both strong and disciplined. When discipline doesn’t work I have to rely on resilience to push through when I’d rather not.

Holiday season is here for all intents and purposes and I have to keep an eye on my weight. This time last year I was trying to gain weight and I shot into the mid-190s, which was all right, so I thought, because I was gaining muscle, but there was fat too. I don’t want this to happen this year. I’ll be keep closer watch, measuring more frequently and practicing more cardio. I may have to finish this info later.

111713 [Sunday #152] – AM- Gig nothing special – recovering. Later today maybe make a comeback update the page.
Eat Sweat – home drills
3 rounds
Run in place
Mt Climbers
Front kicks
I recorded this somewhere and might fill this in later. The numbers don’t really mean that much to me, even though I am going for 10,000 reps of certain exercises. Anyway, I remember this being pretty tough.

Damn, I don’t even have wake up numbers for this day. I must be slipping. I may need some other project to hold my interest.

11813 [Monday #153] – wake 191.5 24/52.5. Got numbers – 500 punches, gloves + weights, elbow strikes 45 degree front kicks, Good wake up cardio. More than 20 minutes. Spin later today. Looks like a nice one. No protein this week. Maybe another 20 minute cardio before the Y – and nod. Good chance to be awake during the day. Walking with the humans.

Didn’t get the cardio done, but I did get the nod. Spin class was good – upped the ride I think but came through better than in past sessions. I might have enough energy to do some training before bed, but then again, Temple is tomorrow.

11913 [Tuesday #154] – wake 189 39.5/46 almost even!!! But no error and back in the 180s. Off of protein this week and creatine… might make it a month. I think the protein is keeping the weight on, if so I have discovered how to maintain weight, also how to gain. The protein supps work for me.

20 squats to wake up. Got my wrist bender things today. TGX drills and aqua.. up for it.

Good GX, good Aqua, some participation but didn’t wear myself out. Need more stretching personally. Good energy though. Not bad considering spin yesterday… almost forgot.

112013 [Wednesday #155] am –Work.  Barbends, don’t bother counting.
Chin ups 3+7* restarting low ROM, wrist/forearm work.

Wake 189 E – extra sleep. Maybe my brain is telling me I need more sleep, but I’m just not motivated to get up any earlier than necessary. Aqua today.

Drank breakfast, no protein, oat meal, fruits 7 veggie juice. Cup of tea, eh? Tasting bland these days. Just habit/addiction, maybe make elixir.

40 squats – 100 punches.
Here's the look for the month of November, doesn't mean
much without comparison. Overall, not much change, although
the green line shows a steady rise. Hopefully the centimeters
will be lower.

Grand slam after Aqua. Two cups of elixir. Maybe cut the tea some more.

112113 [Thursday #156] – AM – Gig Half pushups (what an idea…duh). In fact probably better to do half pulls and pushes to strengthen the shoulder or until it’s repaired completely..

Pushups 12+12*+20= 44  *and feeling it.

Seems like I’m eating more too. Hope I don’t become one of those fat vegetarians. I may have to buy some meat, but, I figure I’ve gone this long without, might as well keep it low volume at least. Oh yeah, practice, I legged hopped on and off the curb to start.

Wake 189 E: Shoulder pain notably less today. Usually hurts when I wake, but not today. Drank breakfast, feel like metabolism and elimination is off, or not what it was. My guess, the protein moratorium. It’s been 4 days without whey. Been putting oatmeal in the shakes and eating more solid food.

YGX Today. I’m up for it.
Tepid today. Felt it in my chest within 10 minutes. Must be something in there; an invader that needs to be vanquished. Went for turkey burger and tea, then elixir. Got a blast of energy before leaving for work. El steps were rough both times; got a twinge rt knee lateral while practicing pistols (one foot on bench, bending rt knee.) Feels like a nerve, but I’m not limping. Think more calf massaging is necessary.

Practice jumping on one leg. Tough start, but doable I think. Need to strengthen legs this way I think.

112213 [Friday #157]  Wake 189 E – Punching, leg work, squats, ½ pushups, various movement, bands, etc. the shoulder is getting noticeably better. Happy about that. Still haven’t found the motivation to run. Left heel still huts on stretch and right ankle area feels weak, but I can still run up the El steps.

Good purge today after a week of no protein supplements. Don’t know if this will change/drop the weight or not. Small meals today. Still trying to get back to more rigorous activity.

112313 [Saturday #158] – wake 190.5 E: Up with the alarm. Normal wake up activity on comp and such.
30 squats/barbends/ 30 half pushups- shoulder soreness is low to mid, out of the house for nuts and diner experience.
Front kicks w/ ankle wts 2 x 50 = 100
Punching gloves + ankle wts, several rounds, slow 2 or 300 total, then punch with gloves & wrist wts.
20 hard burpees!! This is major because I think it’s here that I decided to do burpess daily when possible.

112413 [Sunday #159] – wake 192… stayed in, trained, [on the calendar]. It was a cold one. Punched w/ gloves and ankle wts, getting better at this ~ 500 punches, I’d say.
10 burpees/kicks/leg raises and 30 half pushups, Hops (new item) deep lunge squats. 20 barbends underhanded.

112513 [Monday #160] – wake 191 33/48.5: Slow elimination, usually the duck [early Sunday “dinner’] helps. One week no protein supplements and weight is up – but it’s only a week.

Wake 20 burpees / 30 squats / 30 half pushups / 120 front kicks. Headed to DC for Monday night football w/ The Crowe. That is all.

112613 [Tuesday #161] – wake DC 3:30AM. Philly-bound. Spent an evening in the cold watching the 49’ers beat the Redskins at FedEX field. First live Monday Night game. Great seats. Got about 3 hours sleep, but I’m up strong. Got GX today at temple and work tonight. Naps in between. Trail mix and 20 oz tea. I wasn’t craving -  at least I don’t think I was.

Solid GX @ Temple – single at Aqua, pretty easy for me, about 40-50% effort. Crazy sleep patterns, then work.

112713 [Wednesday #162] – Wake 188 – long sleep, about 10 hours, which might explain the wt drop.

Random exercise [front kicks 100, butt kicks 100, barbends under, extended forward 16] – punches, walking around in ankle wts. Salmon and lentils, peanut butter shake w/ elixir.

I am too fat around the lower belly and have to cut it. I must think ‘diet’ and ‘fat burn’. I’ll have to get back to my fitness regimen. Thanksgiving tomorrow.

112813 [Thursday #163] – wake 190.5

20 burpees  tough, no pushups, but had to do them. Punching w/ gloves, then add 5 lbs ank-wts 1 x 60 and 1 x 40 100 punches but not straight through [about 6.5 lbs on each arm/hand]. Dinner at Mom’s w/ fam, then called off work.

112913 [Friday #164] – wake 190.5 ….44.5/44.5. Dead even, first time ever. Got two rounds of burpees in [check calendar for #s], tough as usual, boxing and some kicks with wts. Didn’t bother going out.

Shoulder is feeling a lot better. Reaching is becoming less painful. I think the session ends tomorrow.

I’ve been feeling lazy for quite some time now. Although I break through on rounds of burpees and boxing and kicks, I cannot bring myself to go to the Y or any other gym unless I’m working. I do everything I’m supposed to, but the fitness side – the ruggedness side is lacking – in my estimation.

Getting/taking, much more sleep. Don’t know if it’s more than I need or not.

Two weeks off protein supplements [powders], still got the vitamins in rotation. I’m trying to resist playing the ‘age’ card because to me that’s a fold. If I had to guess I’d say there are three prime elements concerning me; one – shoulder recover and my vow not to lift heavy weights [with a few exceptions] until Sept 30, 14: Two, my new schedule for work, which I am anticipating positively: Three – retirement. I’d better start imagining and manifesting my future life.

113013 [Saturday #165] –  AM – work: heavy bar bends, pistol pull ups, only a couple of sets.

Wake 192:  21 burpees
Day 14 of no protein powder and weight is consistent, no radical change either way. Whatever is keeping me at this weight doesn’t appear to be protein supplementation. It also doesn’t appear to be red meat, as I have not consumed that in large quantities in several months. This session ends today, maybe I’ll get some home training in this evening.

Start protein regimen tomorrow. Maybe it will improve my mood and drive. Last week of temple for the year coming up, so I’d better do something!! More run motivation!!!

Totals for session xii: + from 102713 - 111713
Burpees – 124+213 = 337
Front kicks – 310 + 1510 = 1820
Pushups – 104 + 39 = 143
Squats – 90 + 500 = 590
Chins – 10 + 53 = 63
Sit Ups – 95
Dips – 52
Pistols – 42

Session XII – over.

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